Astrology Readings | Synastry Chart Reading (Couples Reading)

$ 150.00

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Get an astrological roadmap of your relationship: its fortes and its weak spots. Many people call Synastry Readings (or Couples Readings) “compatibility” readings, but I don’t follow this trend: I see a Synastry or Couple reading as a blueprint of how you relate to one another, not a decree on how well you “fit” with each other, or an official dissertation on your fate or destiny (or lack thereof) with one another. How close-minded and awful is that?!

With the right perspectives, focus, and attitude, I believe any two people can come together and make “it” work– if both are willing to put in the work into themselves and their balance with their person. Learn what patterns are strengths in your relationship, along with the pattens, trends, or chemistries you might need to break or work on (or just tweak a little!) in order to find success, luck, financial stability, and happiness. This Synastry or “compatibility” reading/consultation can happen live over Zoom or simply be sent to you as a written up document for you to reference at any time.

Adrian White is a certified herbalist, author, organic farmer, and freelance writer on subjects of health, wellness, nutrition, herbalism, and agriculture. Her book Herbalism: Plants & Potions That Heal was published through Arcturus Publishing and is available wherever books are sold. She is a past contributor to Healthline with bylines in The Guardian, Civil Eats, Good Housekeeping, and Rodale's Organic Life. Adrian is owner of Deer Nation Herbs and Jupiter Ridge LLC, an organic farm growing diverse vegetables, mushrooms, and herbs. On any given day you can find her jumping between writing or researching, reading books, experimenting with a new food or herbal creations, or tending to herbs, vegetables, or mushrooms on her farm in the Driftless Region of Iowa. Visit her Resume/CV page, hire her as a freelancer (writing, marketing, social media) for your projects, or book her for an herbal educational health consultation.

Adrian White is a certified herbalist, author, organic farmer, and freelance writer on subjects of health, wellness, nutrition, herbalism, and agriculture. Her book Herbalism: Plants & Potions That Heal was published through Arcturus Publishing and is available wherever books are sold. She is a past contributor to Healthline with bylines in The Guardian, Civil Eats, Good Housekeeping, and Rodale's Organic Life. Adrian is owner of Deer Nation Herbs and Jupiter Ridge LLC, an organic farm growing diverse vegetables, mushrooms, and herbs. On any given day you can find her jumping between writing or researching, reading books, experimenting with a new food or herbal creations, or tending to herbs, vegetables, or mushrooms on her farm in the Driftless Region of Iowa. Visit her Resume/CV page, hire her as a freelancer (writing, marketing, social media) for your projects, or book her for an herbal educational health consultation.

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